Thursday, June 11, 2009


One of my favorite bloggers is Frank J., who created IMAO (Unfair. Unbalanced. Unmedicated.) He is very often hilarious and right on the money politically - and completely unapologetic about it! I loved this article he wrote yesterday and thought I'd share it with you. Enjoy! (p.s. his website addy is:

Posted by Frank J. at 3:11 pm
I’ve been a bit skeptical on how Obama keeps saying he’s “created or saved” different numbers of jobs, but the media seems credulous so I guess “created or saved” is a perfectly find formulation. Thus we might as well apply the phrase to lots of different things.
* I decided not to be bloodthirsty against common nuisances today and created or saved three squirrels.
* By not going to McDonalds, I created or saved two cheeseburgers and a large fry.
* Deciding against serial killing, i created or saved upwards of 33 people (I’m very smart and would not be easily caught).
* By proper use of braking on the way to work, I created or saved twelve automobiles.
* If Sotomayor were a little more careful, she could have created or saved one ankle.
* Cheney’s waterboarding terrorists created or saved thousands of Americans.
* By being a good dog, Rowdi created or saved the cat food.
* In the beginning, God created or saved the heavens and the earth.
* I slowed down in the school zone, creating or saving three children.
* Batman created or saved one city.
* By controlling my anger, I created or saved your face.

If only Bush had thought of the phrase. Then when people kept throwing out numbers of how many civilians were killed in Iraq he could respond with the number of Iraqis he created or saved.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ann Coulter's latest Article: Welcome Back, Carter!

I LOVE Ann's latest article! (from: She is so right on about Obummer's Cairo speech and totally backs up what I wrote about earlier. This is a must read - enjoy and learn! -Rosa

by Ann Coulter
June 10, 2009

Well, I'm glad that's over! Now that our silver-tongued president has gone to Cairo to soothe Muslims' hurt feelings, they love us again! Muslims in Pakistan expressed their appreciation for President Barack Obama's speech by bombing a fancy hotel in Peshawar this week.

Operating on the liberal premise that what Arabs really respect is weakness, Obama listed, incorrectly, Muslims' historical contributions to mankind, such as algebra (actually that was the ancient Babylonians), the compass (that was the Chinese), pens (the Chinese again) and medical discoveries (huh?). But why be picky? All these inventions came in mighty handy on Sept. 11, 2001! Thanks, Muslims!! Obama bravely told the Cairo audience that 9/11 was a very nasty thing for Muslims to do to us, but on the other hand, they are victims of colonization. Except we didn't colonize them. The French and the British did. So why are Arabs flying planes into our buildings and not the Arc de Triomphe? (And gosh, haven't the Arabs done a lot with the Middle East since the French and the British left!)

In another sharks-to-kittens comparison, Obama said, "Now let me be clear, issues of women's equality are by no means simply an issue for Islam." No, he said, "the struggle for women's equality continues in many aspects of American life." So on one hand, 12-year-old girls are stoned to death for the crime of being raped in Muslim countries. But on the other hand, we still don't have enough female firefighters here in America. Delusionally, Obama bragged about his multiculti worldview, saying, "I reject the view of some in the West that a woman who chooses to cover her hair is somehow less equal." In Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan and other Muslim countries, women "choose" to cover their heads on pain of losing them.

Obama rolled out the crucial liberal talking point against America's invasion of Iraq, saying Iraq was a "war of convenience," while Afghanistan was a "war of necessity." Liberals cling to this nonsense doggerel as a shield against their hypocrisy on Iraq. Either both wars were wars of necessity or both wars were wars of choice. Neither Iraq nor Afghanistan -- nor any country -- attacked us on 9/11. Both Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as many other Muslim countries, were sheltering those associated with the terrorists who did attack us on 9/11 -- and who hoped to attack us again. The truth is, all wars are wars of choice, including the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, both World Wars, the Korean and Vietnam Wars, the Gulf War, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. OK, maybe the war on teen obesity is a war of convenience, but that's the only one I can think of.

The modern Democrat Party chooses -- really chooses, not like Saudi women "choosing" to wear hijabs -- to fight no wars. But the Democrats couldn't say that immediately after 9/11, so they pretended to support the war in Afghanistan and then had to spend the next 7 1/2 years trying to come up with a distinction between Afghanistan and Iraq. Maybe next they can tell us why fighting Hitler -- who never invaded the U.S. and had no plans to do so -- was a "necessity" in a way that fighting Saddam wasn't. (Obama on Hitler: "Nazi ideology sought to subjugate, humiliate and exterminate. It perpetrated murder on a massive scale." Whereas Saddam Hussein was just messing with the Kuwaitis, Kurds and Shiites.)

Meanwhile, Muslims throughout the Middle East are yearning for their own Saddam Husseins to be taken out by U.S. invaders so they can be liberated, too. (Then we'll see how many women -- outside of an American college campus -- "choose" to wear hijabs.) The war-of-choice/war-of-necessity point must be as mystifying to a Muslim audience as a discussion of gay marriage.

Arabs aren't afraid of us; they're afraid of Iran. But our aspiring Jimmy Carter had no tough words for Iran. To the contrary, in Cairo, Obama endorsed Iran's quest for nuclear "power," while attacking -- brace yourself -- America for helping remove Iranian loon Mohammad Mossadegh. The CIA's taking out Mossadegh was probably the greatest thing that agency ever did. This was back in 1953, before it became a collection of lawyers and paper-pushers.

Mossadegh was as crazy as a March hare (which is really saying something when your competition is Moammar Gadhafi, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and Saddam Hussein). He gave interviews lying in bed in pink pajamas. He wept, he fainted, and he set his nation on a path of permanent impoverishment by "nationalizing" the oil wells, where they sat idle after the British companies that knew how to operate them pulled out. But he was earthy and hated the British, so left-wing academics adored Mossadegh. The New York Times compared him to Thomas Jefferson.

True, Mossadegh had been "elected" by the Iranian parliament -- but only in the chaos following the assassination of the sitting prime minister. In short order, the shah dismissed this clown, but Mossadegh refused to step down, so the CIA forcibly removed him and allowed the shah's choice to assume the office. This "coup," as liberal academics term it, was approved by liberals' favorite Republican president, Dwight Eisenhower, and supported by such ponderous liberal blowhards as John Foster Dulles. For Obama to be apologizing for one of the CIA's greatest accomplishments isn't just crazy, it's Ramsey Clark crazy.

Obama also said that it was unfair that "some countries have weapons that others do not" and proclaimed that "any nation -- including Iran -- should have the right to access peaceful nuclear power if it complies with its responsibilities under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty." Wait -- how about us? If a fanatical holocaust denier with messianic delusions can have nuclear power, can't the U.S. at least build one nuclear power plant every 30 years? I'm sure Iran's compliance will be policed as well as North Korea's was. Clinton struck a much-heralded "peace deal" with North Korea in 1994, giving them $4 billion to construct nuclear facilities and 500,000 tons of fuel oil in return for a promise that they wouldn't build nuclear weapons. The ink wasn't dry before the North Koreans began feverishly building nukes.

But back to Iran, what precisely do Iranians need nuclear power for, again? They're not exactly a manufacturing powerhouse. Iran is a primitive nation in the middle of a desert that happens to sit on top of a large percentage of the world's oil and gas reserves. That's not enough oil and gas to run household fans? Obama's "I'm OK, You're OK" speech would be hilarious, if it weren't so terrifying.



Thursday, June 04, 2009

That speech was just an embarrassment! I know we’re not supposed to criticize “The One”, but the speech is so full of inaccuracies and outright lies it’s appalling! I love what that FOX newscaster said, “When Obama doesn’t know history he makes up facts”. So funny! I’ll pick through some of my favorites: First of all, the war was not “of choice” and “diplomacy” was indeed used – what about Hussien’s (Sadaam, not Barak’s) complete and utter disregard of the 18 UN resolutions on Iraq? Does anyone remember what happened in New York on September 11, 2001? Whatever, Nobama, whatever. Treating terrorism and terrorist thugs as a matter best left to the United Nations was working oh so well, don’t you think Nobama?

Other points of interest: TOTUS said that islam is known for its tolerance. Is this guy on drugs? “Islam has a long history of tolerance.”, he said, “As witnessed in Andalusia”. Andalusia? Where Islamists invaded and slaughtered Christians? Where they used Christian baby’s skulls as candle snuffers just for shock value? That Andalusia? Alrighty then!

Oh, I liked how he said the guiding principle under which America was founded was “E Pluribus Unum”. Umm, no, try again Mr. “Student of History”. The founding principle was “All men are created equal...” “E Pluribus Unum” came much later. I swear, I’m beginning to think that there was more brain power on Gilligan’s Island!

Mr. “Student of History” also gabbed on about how Islam gave us the pen, calligraphy, poetry, the arch, spires, algebra, among other things. Umm, once again, they invented none of these. Pens, calligraphy, poetry, arches, and spires existed long before Islam. Some say that the concept of algebra came from subcontinent India and that islam just gave it the name al-jabr, however it is more widely asserted that it started with the Greeks and later was refined by the English. But hey, The One hath spoken, so what do we, the little people, know?

I like how he went on about how it’d be nice if no one had nuclear weapons. Well, that WOULD be nice, but let me throw a little reality your way, Mr. The One: the world doesn’t work that way…numbnuts. (Sorry, that was disrespectful, I meant, “Sir”.) Where’s my guitar, I need to start strumming “Kumbaya”.

Did he say he wants to create a “government that doesn’t steal from the people”? That sounds awesome - where do I find a country like that????

He also talked about what happened to the Jews during WWII (and frankly I’m surprised that the audience didn’t break out in applause!) What countless people fail to realize is, that Hitler not only killed 6 million Jews, he killed another 5 million Turks, Polls, Slavic's, Cathlics, homosexuals, mentally ill, crippled, and many non-Arian Europeans, totaling 11 million all
together. It bugs me that only the Jews mentioned historically.

Ahhh, what a relevant (burp) speech. I’m sure the teleprompter was cheering wildly!