Thursday, June 04, 2009

That speech was just an embarrassment! I know we’re not supposed to criticize “The One”, but the speech is so full of inaccuracies and outright lies it’s appalling! I love what that FOX newscaster said, “When Obama doesn’t know history he makes up facts”. So funny! I’ll pick through some of my favorites: First of all, the war was not “of choice” and “diplomacy” was indeed used – what about Hussien’s (Sadaam, not Barak’s) complete and utter disregard of the 18 UN resolutions on Iraq? Does anyone remember what happened in New York on September 11, 2001? Whatever, Nobama, whatever. Treating terrorism and terrorist thugs as a matter best left to the United Nations was working oh so well, don’t you think Nobama?

Other points of interest: TOTUS said that islam is known for its tolerance. Is this guy on drugs? “Islam has a long history of tolerance.”, he said, “As witnessed in Andalusia”. Andalusia? Where Islamists invaded and slaughtered Christians? Where they used Christian baby’s skulls as candle snuffers just for shock value? That Andalusia? Alrighty then!

Oh, I liked how he said the guiding principle under which America was founded was “E Pluribus Unum”. Umm, no, try again Mr. “Student of History”. The founding principle was “All men are created equal...” “E Pluribus Unum” came much later. I swear, I’m beginning to think that there was more brain power on Gilligan’s Island!

Mr. “Student of History” also gabbed on about how Islam gave us the pen, calligraphy, poetry, the arch, spires, algebra, among other things. Umm, once again, they invented none of these. Pens, calligraphy, poetry, arches, and spires existed long before Islam. Some say that the concept of algebra came from subcontinent India and that islam just gave it the name al-jabr, however it is more widely asserted that it started with the Greeks and later was refined by the English. But hey, The One hath spoken, so what do we, the little people, know?

I like how he went on about how it’d be nice if no one had nuclear weapons. Well, that WOULD be nice, but let me throw a little reality your way, Mr. The One: the world doesn’t work that way…numbnuts. (Sorry, that was disrespectful, I meant, “Sir”.) Where’s my guitar, I need to start strumming “Kumbaya”.

Did he say he wants to create a “government that doesn’t steal from the people”? That sounds awesome - where do I find a country like that????

He also talked about what happened to the Jews during WWII (and frankly I’m surprised that the audience didn’t break out in applause!) What countless people fail to realize is, that Hitler not only killed 6 million Jews, he killed another 5 million Turks, Polls, Slavic's, Cathlics, homosexuals, mentally ill, crippled, and many non-Arian Europeans, totaling 11 million all
together. It bugs me that only the Jews mentioned historically.

Ahhh, what a relevant (burp) speech. I’m sure the teleprompter was cheering wildly!


Blogger Jen H said...

Ha ha ha! I did not even watch his speech because I have better things to do with my time than listen to Sir Numbnuts (like watch other mindless tv that doesn't anger me at every turn aka So you think you can dance etc.) he he

Thanks for summing it up for me though. you are awesome!

12:32 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

Love the post!!!! Keep up the good work Rosa.

7:32 PM  

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